private stonehenge tour from london

Stonehenge, Bath and Avebury itinerary 


Includes many of Europe’s finest Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age monuments.

Uniquely spectacular and fascinating it may be, Stonehenge is not alone. It stands amid one of the world’s greatest concentrations of Neolithic and Bronze Age constructions, burial mounds and earthwork enclosures of various shapes and sizes, a vast sacred area of exceptional potency. The study of this broader context is a distinguishing feature of this tour.

Features countryside walks to explore the sites in detail.

Enjoy plenty of time to explore picturesque Bath and its Abbey, Roman Baths and 18th century architecture and urban design.


7.30am DRIVE, London to the Stonehenge landscape, 82 miles

Morning–Stonehenge landscape

Durrington Walls

Visit the Stonehenge 'builder's village' Durrington Walls, a large henge situated in the beautiful Wiltshire landscape. The site consists of a large circular earthwork with a diameter of over 500m. Within the earthwork are two large timber circles, thought to have been used for ceremonial purposes. Durrington Walls is one of the largest and most famous henge monuments in the world. The site is believed to have been constructed around 2600 BC, making it one of the earliest known examples of this type of monument. It is thought that Durrington Walls was used as a ceremonial centre for the local population. Durrington Walls is an important archaeological site that provides insight into the lives of our prehistoric ancestors.


Woodhenge is a prehistoric monument that was built during the Late Neolithic period. The monument consists of a series of six concentric rings of wooden posts, consisting of 168 posts in total. The posts are arranged in a symmetrical pattern and were possibly connected by lintels. Woodhenge is thought to have been used as a ceremonial site, and it may have been aligned with the movements of the sun and moon. The site was excavated in the 1920s, and the wood posts were found to have been made from oak trees.

9.30am DRIVE, within the Stonehenge landscape


The power of Stonehenge lies in its inspired evocation of our shared past. A fusion of imagination and history.

Although many theories and ideas have been put forwards over the centuries to answer the enigma of ‘what is Stonehenge?’, perhaps of more significance is why this monument evokes the need in people to travel vast distances to walk amongst these stones and throughout this landscape. The answer to this may be beyond our current understanding, but what we do know is this ‘force’ on visitors is not new. Archaeological evidence indicates Neolithic and Bronze Age peoples travelling (perhaps over weeks and months) the length and breadth of the British Isles and continental Europe to stand in the midst of this testament to human ingenuity. Like these ancient travellers, you too should pilgrimage to Stonehenge along paths well-worn and truly experience this iconic symbol of Britain and our shared past humanity.

11.30am DRIVE, Stonehenge to Bath, 33 miles

Independent lunch


Bath is one of the supreme achievements of British architecture and urban design. The Romans harnessed the hot springs to create a resort of some brilliance. But it was in the 18th century that visiting Bath became highly fashionable, with architects transforming and extending the city into the stunning creation we see today. Bath offers an opportunity for an independent lunch.

We can arrange Roman Bath tickets for you, if desired.

2.15pm DRIVE, Bath to the Avebury landscape, 27 miles

Afternoon–Avebury landscape

Silbury Hill

Visit the largest man-made tumuli in Prehistoric Europe - Silbury Hill. Silbury Hill is a man-made mound in Wiltshire, England. It is the tallest prehistoric artificial hill in Europe and one of the largest in the world. The hill is part of the Avebury World Heritage Site and is near the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Stonehenge. The hill was constructed around 2500 BC. It is thought to have been built as a burial mound, although its exact purpose is not known for sure. It is thought to have been built as a burial mound, although its exact purpose is not known for sure. The hill stands at a height of 37 meters (130 feet) and has a base diameter of 160 meters (520 feet). It is made from chalk and clay and was built using a technique known as terrazzo (or ‘pounded earth’). This technique involved mixing water with dry chalk and clay and then pounding it into place with wooden beams or stone hammers. The resulting mixture was extremely strong and durable and allowed the builders to create a huge mound without the use of modern construction techniques or materials. Silbury Hill is an astonishing feat of engineering, and its size and scale are testimony to the skill and dedication of its Ancient builders.

West Kennet long barrow

Enter the 5500-year-old Neolithic tomb at West Kennet long barrow, a Neolithic monument located in Avebury, Wiltshire, England. The barrow consists of a burial chamber with an attached passageway and side chambers. It is roofed with large slabs of stone, and the entrance is flanked by two massive upright stones. The West Kennet long barrow was built around 3750 BC, and it is one of the largest and best-preserved examples of its type in the country. In recent years, the barrow has been the subject of archaeological excavations, and it is now open to the public.

3.30pm DRIVE, within the Avebury landscape

Avebury Stone Circle and Village

We finish by visiting the world's largest stone circle at Avebury, with its beautiful medieval village situated inside. As John Aubrey in the 1600's notes [Avebury]...'does as much exceed in greatness the so renowned Stonehenge as a Cathedral doeth a parish church.'

Avebury is a small village in Wiltshire, England, best known for its extraordinary stone circles. The Avebury Stone Circles are among the largest and most impressive megalithic monuments in the world, and they have been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The site consists of three stone circles: the outer circle, which is the largest, two smaller circles (northern and southern), and the avenue. The stones are thought to have been erected between 2600 and 2400 BC, and they may have been used for astronomical purposes or for ritual ceremonies. We will explore the stone circles, walk along the avenue, and finish the day with a drink at the Red Lion pub.

5.45pm DRIVE, Avebury to London, 80 miles

small group tour to stonehenge


'This tour was absolutely perfect and well worth the money. It was so nice to be able to have an archaeologist to give more information and answer more questions than you’d get from any other tour guide. The size of the group was excellent, and the inclusion of some of the lesser-known sites was awesome! I learned so much from Kim, and I would do this again in a heartbeat!'

'Even though Stonehenge has fascinated me since childhood, I would have been very disappointed if I had just shown up without someone explaining the what, where, why, and how (at least as much as can be "known"). I signed my adult family up for the tour with and we LOVED it. I was worried it was going to be dry and geared toward serious archaeology buffs, but it was fun AND informative. Archaeologists have personalities! Who knew?! We learned SOOO much. It was a day well spent, one of our favourite days of our trip to the UK.'

'With an older sister in school for archaeology, I have been on too many history tours to count. This one stands out as the best! I knew nothing about Stonehenge or the history of the land but left with an amazing appreciation for the people and sites here. Our guide was amazing, really making every piece of history incredibly interesting. Also the physical demonstrations he did to show how the architecture was designed to use the sun's light was fascinating. A must-see!'

Travel advice

Before travelling, we recommend that non-UK residents read the advice issued by their government regarding health, safety and security in the UK.


As is the case with all European coach and bus operators, our driving and working hours are regulated law in the interests of your safety. Our standard scheduled itineraries are compliant with the current regulations. However, our archaeologists will always advise you if they need to make time or route alterations depending on prevailing traffic conditions.


Vehicle fogging takes place at the end of each day to ensure a deeper clean overnight. We have installed air conditioning pods and these use filters and UV light to cleanse the air as it recirculates, killing 99% of bacteria and viruses.

How strenuous?

Our tours involve some walking between sites. We advise that you wear stout comfortable shoes for walking over different terrains (including fields), archaeological sites and a waterproof coat (as British weather can be unpredictable at the best of times).

You may also want to bring with you anti-bacterial hand gel and a reusable water bottle.


For a five-day forecast in the run-up to departure we suggest you consult

small group tour to stonehenge