private stonehenge tour from london
small group tour to stonehenge

Old Sarum hillfort, Salisbury Cathedral and Glastonbury itinerary                                                                           


Old Sarum stands as one of the finest surviving Iron Age hillforts in England. Take a walk through the remains of Celt, Roman, Saxon and Norman occupations. There are fine views across Salisbury, the city which replaced it.

Enjoy plenty of time to explore picturesque Salisbury and it's unique Gothic cathedral. One of the most uplifting experiences in English architecture.

Our afternoon is spent in Glastonbury, a landscape entwined with history, imagination and legend. 


7.30am DRIVE, London to Old Sarum hillfort, 85 miles

Morning–Old Sarum hillfort and Salisbury Cathedral

Old Sarum

Old Sarum is an Iron Age hillfort (400 BC), its huge ramparts built to protect residents and livestock from danger. During the Roman period the hill was continuously occupied and known to the Roman’s as Sorviodunum. From 1070 to c. 1220 it flourished as a Norman stronghold with castle, palace and cathedral. There are fine views across Salisbury, the city which replaced it.

Salisbury Cathedral

Enjoy plenty of time to explore picturesque Salisbury and it's unique Gothic cathedral. One of the most uplifting experiences in English architecture, Salisbury is unique among the Gothic cathedrals in England in that it was built on a green field site and largely in a single campaign, 1220–58. Completed a century later, the spire at 123m is the tallest medieval structure in Britain.  Discover the history and legacy of one of the world's most celebrated documents - the Magna Carta. What did the document say, and how was it interpreted over the next 800 years? Why is it still important today, and how does it affect our culture, laws and rights?

12.00pm DRIVE, Salisbury to the Glastonbury, 50 miles


Glastonbury Tor

We can enjoy a leisurely walk (optional) up the iconic and evocative landmark of Glastonbury Tor, offering magnificent views of Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire and Wales. Steeped in history and legend (as the Isle of Avalon), excavations at the top of the Tor have revealed the plans of two churches of St Michael, of which only a 15th-century tower remains. Glastonbury Tor is known as being one of the most spiritual sites in the country, but also hides a gristly past; on the 15 November 1539 Abbot Richard Whiting was hanged, drawn and quartered for treason.

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey is connected with legend to a degree that is unparalleled by any other abbey in England. Since Medieval times, the abbey has held legendary status as the earliest Christian foundation in Britain linked to Joseph of Arimathea, the Holy Grail and the burial place of King Arthur. Today, the romantic ruins of the abbey are set in 36 acres of tranquil gardens.

4.00pm DRIVE, Glastonbury to London, 130 miles


'This tour was absolutely perfect and well worth the money. It was so nice to be able to have an archaeologist to give more information and answer more questions than you’d get from any other tour guide. The size of the group was excellent, and the inclusion of some of the lesser-known sites was awesome! I learned so much from Kim, and I would do this again in a heartbeat!'

'A remarkable day travelling to some of England’s most ancient sites. Edward was our guide and gave us wonderful insights into the history of these monumental structures. Edward was a true teacher: he informed, and inspired further learning and the day flew by. Highly recommend this day tour from London.'

'With an older sister in school for archaeology, I have been on too many history tours to count. This one stands out as the best! I knew nothing about Stonehenge or the history of the land but left with an amazing appreciation for the people and sites here. Our guide was amazing, really making every piece of history incredibly interesting. Also the physical demonstrations he did to show how the architecture was designed to use the sun's light was fascinating. A must-see!'

Travel advice

Before travelling, we recommend that non-UK residents read the advice issued by their government regarding health, safety and security in the UK.


As is the case with all European coach and bus operators, our driving and working hours are regulated law in the interests of your safety. Our standard scheduled itineraries are compliant with the current regulations. However, our archaeologists will always advise you if they need to make time or route alterations depending on prevailing traffic conditions.


Vehicle fogging takes place at the end of each day to ensure a deeper clean overnight. We have installed air conditioning pods and these use filters and UV light to cleanse the air as it recirculates, killing 99% of bacteria and viruses.

How strenuous?

Our tours involve some walking between sites. We advise that you wear stout comfortable shoes for walking over different terrains (including fields), archaeological sites and a waterproof coat (as British weather can be unpredictable at the best of times).

You may also want to bring with you anti-bacterial hand gel and a reusable water bottle.


For a five-day forecast in the run-up to departure we suggest you consult

small group tour to stonehenge